[slideshow] Last night, RootDown Youth Leader, Ana Torres responded on FaceBook with the following suggestion when we asked - How could we use the Ralph Bunche house if it becomes our new home base this year? Her words speak best to what RootDown LA would wish for everyone this coming year: Healthy Food, Peace, and Communion among all our family, friends and neighbors across Los Angeles! Happy Holidays from all of us at RootDown LA!
You know There's A lot Of kids Out There In the Streets God Knows Doing What. We could Persuade them to join a club, where they'll learn about food peace & communication. Then we could go out around the community spreading the msg to parents , teens , kids, that if they are involved in something there are less chances of their kids being out there doing maybe bad things or being influenced by bad people. That way we get them involved, we spread our info about healthy food and they learn some cooking techniques.