[slideshow] Thanks so much to TreePeople’s secondary education team who turned Jefferson High teacher, Anthony Pagan, onto a grant from the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (and their sponsor, Fruitabu) to plant 25 fruit trees in the Community Garden space integrated in the New Tech campus. Special thanks also to Rico Montenegro from the Fruit Tree Planting Foundation, who came to instruct us how to plant and care for these trees. And TONS of thanks to the kids who stayed to get their hands dirty and plant those little trees!
RootDown LA was there with FRESH FRUIT to remind the students what awaits them at the end of a fruit tree's growing season! Warren's masterful fruit creatures amused the kids...
...that is, before they devoured his persimmon, apple, pear and, grapes fruit oddities.
Together, two schools and three non-profits have launched and will oversee this NEW FRUIT ORCHARD in South Los Angeles! We see our part in this as another step in RootDown LA's new SUPPLY-side efforts to improve the food environment at Jefferson by connecting kids to a source of the local, nutrient rich produce that can help keep their bodies and brains healthy!