Yesterday, youth from three South LA High Schools completed RootDown LA's 13-week training course that prepared them to design, install and maintain a network of neighborhood gardens at our WECAN Urban Farm site. Developed by our Programs Manager, Karen Ramirez, and our Advisory Board Member, architect and permaculturist, Corinna Gebert, the training covered topics including: the changed food system, the importance of soil and compost, site analysis, seasonal and companion planting, non-toxic fertilization and pest management, harvesting, distribution, marketing, and value-added garden products.
The youth not only successfully completed the program, they signed on to continue working with RootDown to design and install 8 more gardens in the neighborhood over the summer. Yesterday they presented their project plan for funding. They will be funded to also develop the system through which future trainees will expand and replicate the "supply-side" activities of our Youth-driven Neighborhood Food Systems.