RootDown's Midsummer Night's Urban Food Feast

[slideshow] Thanks so much to everyone who showed up for our Midsummer Night's Urban Food Feast! For two days before the event, our young chefs joined professional chefs, Aram Scorza, and Isaiah Frizzell, to create a fanTABulous fundraising feast for forty.

On the menu were a mock margarita, made with lemongrass infused simple syrup, and pureed apples and cucumbers, served in a glass rimmed with salt, lemon, and chiles from our garden. A first, plated course, was ceviche with watermelon balls, a cornhusk stock gelled with a cucumber and orange juice gel, pea tendril puree, purple cauliflower and radish slices.

The main course  was grilled herbed chicken and garden squash, sauteed peppers in homemade pastry, and a bell pepper coulis.

FINALLY - two desserts went out - homemade creme caramel with mounds of seasonal berries, and a Genoise cake topped with vanilla whipped cream, roasted beet puree, candied orange peel, cantalope paper (spiced secretly),vinegar candied almonds, corn pickled with dried ancho and arbol chiles 3 vinegars, chilled chocolate ganache.  For real! So many thanks to our chefs, Aram and Isaiah, who brought new life to our menus, to the RootDown LA staff who oversaw planning and facilitation of this feast, to Camille Cimino who donated and arranged flowers for the tables, and to Jennie Cook, who loaned us some fancier cups, tablecloths and flatware. (Jennie's Plant Based Parties, btw, are all the rage!)  Oh, and thanks to Ron Finley for bringing his sister and MOM along.  :)

RootDown LA

Root Down LA empowers youth to become leaders through healthy food ventures in their communities.