[slideshow] Thanks to the enthusiastic support of our new programs intern, Shara Prophet, and for funding from the Network for a Healthy California, RootDown LA is rapidly rolling out more four-week cooking, nutrition and food systems classes. These fun, high energy classes give folks simple techniques to make healthy food taste better, and help drive home the importance of eating more nutrient rich whole foods, and fewer calorie and additive/sugar/sodium dense processed foods.
Partners in the community - A Place Called Home, Nuevo South, L.A.U.R.A, and Jefferson High - have all invited us to connect with youth and adult groups to run these veggie heavy classes. Homemade pico de gallo, sauteed veggie and chicken quesadillas, spicy carrot cucumber salads, tangy orange yogurt dip are coming out of the kitchen as we convince more folks that healthy food can be tasty, affordable, and easy to eat every day.