[slideshow] Last week we took our "You're Gonna Wanna Eat Your Veggies" road show to All People's Christian Center, just a mile from Jefferson High School and our headquarters at the Ralph Bunche House. All People's runs a branch of the Central High School program, offering students from the age of 16-20 years old, who may have difficulty succeeding in the traditional school environment, the opportunity to acquire a high school diploma.
We were particularly excited to connect with this crew of kids when we heard... that the American Friends Service Committee has been working with the youth to install and maintain their own garden at the Center. The teachers at All People's have been using the garden as an educational tool to get kids' hands and minds on fresh locally grown foods.
All People's offers numerous invaluable programs to the community, from after school enrichment programs for youth of all ages, to free produce distribution. We talked with youth and their teachers, about the possibility of developing a cooking demonstration program that would help promote the free produce that tends not to get snatched up so quickly. Cabbage, for instance, even when offered for free, tends to go slowly. The kids could develop and share recipes that encourage neighbors to take whatever specific produce is being offered up for the week.
Thanks guys for inviting us in for the day! We hope you'll come join us at the Ralph Bunche House for our Thursday after school cooking classes from 2:45-4:45, or at the Jefferson High Garden on Tuesdays from 1-3.