On Monday, October 24th from 2-7pm, RootDown LA is hosting a house party at the Ralph Bunche House to celebrate the new Food Day. RootDown LA is super grateful to have use of the Ralph Bunche house for its programming this year. The house is just a half a block from our home school, Jefferson High, where students get horticultural/garden design lessons from RootDown peppered into their science, art and design classes during the school day. Then they come hang out after school and learn how to make all those garden veggies taste better when they learn our simple cooking techniques.
Today was a perfect example of why we're so grateful Ralph Bunche left the community a house in which we can all now cook and eat together - we're building community! Our older youth leaders, new high school students, their siblings, one parent, and two younger neighborhood boys all dropped by to chop up peppers, onions and zucchini and sautee them all with chicken to place on a bed of jasmine rice. We all sat around a table and ate together, relaxing and enjoying the company on this unusually hot LA afternoon.
We're going to take it up a notch on the 24th. Come join us at 1221 East 40th Place to eat, cook and hopefully dance a little (or a lot). Bring your friends. Bring your favorite homemade or healthy store-bought food or beverage to share. Also consider bringing your own non-disposable plate, cup and silverware so we can reduce waste.
Find out more about this event on our Facebook page. RSVP there or on the Food Day site.