[slideshow] RootDown LA Youth Leaders took full command today, sampling veggies at the 4th annual LAURA Unity Parade. Congrats to our senior Youth Leaders, Andres Chopin, Jonathan Galindez, and Ana Torres, who for the first time, completed an event without RootDown staff members. Our goal of having youth led healthy food programming, by the youth we train, is happening sooner than we'd hoped!
And what did we accomplish? WE GOT PEOPLE TO EAT THEIR VEGGIES! People were CROWDING around the table once they got a taste of our homemade ranch dressing and simply sauteed zucchini. We overheard people saying they wanted to replace their cookie snacks with the bell peppers and ranch, and they were going to make the zucchini at home.
We were proud to be invited to take part in this event, which promotes peace in the South LA community; L.A.U.R.A. is a non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of the residents of South Central Los Angeles. They work to empower youth, victim-survivors, and their families through civic awareness, facilitating community collaboration, and bringing resources to the community.
We were honored to be asked to come and cook the veggies that can help keep people free from the high rates of obesity and diabetes in our community.