See the full page article here: Kenny Article4-29
We nearly lost Kenny from our Youth Leader program when we put him on the tuna sandwich station during our Jefferson High Freshman Orientation Sando days last October. It's nuts! On four separate days out at Will Rogers State Park, we feed about 150 students and staff, fresh sandwiches and local fruit so they don't have to eat those nasty (and we mean it this time) Smuckers Uncrustables. This year, the bees were SWARMing around the tuna. We moved the tuna. The bees followed. We covered the tuna with towels, the bees crawled underneath.
Kenny stuck it out but at the end of the day, he came and sat down and shook his head and said, "This wasn't my best day." I assured him better days were yet to come and this article gives proof - he's not giving up on RootDown LA. Oh, and we learned a trick - open all the cans of tuna the night before and put it in one bigger tupperware into which you can then just throw in your chopped veggies, mayo and seasonings, stir, then cover again. Bees be gone!