We took our Youth Leaders on a little retreat this past week, to celebrate an amazing first year at Jefferson High School and to check out another CA city food system - San Francisco! We stopped by to say hello to LocalHarvest founder, Guillermo Payet, and visited with other youth leaders at FoodWhat?! in Santa Cruz. We spent a night at Pie Ranch then had breakfast at the Mission Pie Shop in San Francisco. Rainbow Grocery supplied us with our veggies for a stir fry we made later that night up in Point Reyes Station where we spent a night - tastings of local Cowgirl Creamery Cheese and Toby's Coffee were a treat.
The kids couldn't stop thanking us for the trip; highlights included a swim in the ocean & spotting a seal in Santa Cruz, strawberry picking, a sunset hike and sleeping under the stars at Pie Ranch, meeting other youth doing food systems work at FoodWhat?!, a first look at the Golden Gate bridge, and a night in Marin County, where almost all the food for purchase in local stores is sourced from local farms.