In just 2 months, RootDown LA saw our newest Youth Leader at Jefferson High, Kenny Wayne Hayes, Jr., turn from being a shy observer at our after school club to become a FULL-ON skilled chef at our tasting events. Thanks to Warren, who's been leading RootDown's charge engage and train youth to build DEMAND for healthy food in South LA. In the pic: Kenny showed up last week proudly wearing his new chef hat which he won in Jennie Cook's latest Mystery Lunch Box cook-off.
We asked Kenny what he likes about RootDown LA, "I like cutting [nasty veggies of course] and I like to learn how to cook different food. I also like the other kids and were friends now." Who cooks in Kenny's home? "My Granny mostly. My mom doesn't like to cook but my granny makes some great nachos. I make Salsa at home now and sometimes cook too. We also asked Kenny, what could he teach others now, about healthy food and cooking? "That it tastes good and is fun." Has RootDown changed Kenny's mind about eating any new veggies?! "I try anything now...