RootDown cooks for GSF's 24th St Garden Day

We're always thrilled to get in the Garden School Foundation's outrageously impressive 24th Street School garden.  GSF puts on the most lively volunteer days with anywhere from 50-100 students, parents, and friends from across the city showing up to maintain and expand this edible and educational garden.

Special thanks to the 24th Street elementary school students who helped prepare a lunch of chili including greens from the garden, and local seasonal fruits.  A particularly grateful shout out to young Woody, who acted as our right-hand man in the outdoor kitchen while we scrambled to make food for all these hungry gardeners.  Woody quickly learned and then taught other students, parents, even the principal! about caramelizing onions and how to safely cut carrots with the "claw."  The principal noted later she'd never seen Woody so concentrated in any project - YEP!  That's the POWER of garden and food programs that engage our youngest generations in the building of healthier food communities.


RootDown LA

Root Down LA empowers youth to become leaders through healthy food ventures in their communities.