RootDown LA was honored to be able to feed the volunteers who showed up for WECAN's National Service Day event in September - Planting a Little Piece of Paradise Parkway Project, converting grass parking strips on 60th street in South LA into micro-parks of flora and fauna. WECAN founder, Michel McLaughlin, organized one of the best volunteer events we've seen - fresh local fruit and chili made by RootDown's Manual Arts High School student interns was available to all who came to work. And, local professional musicians kept the crowds energized with their amazing drumming performance. RootDown's new Youth Coordinator, Roxana Reyes passed through the clusters of people wielding shovels and hoes, passing out juicy peaches, nectarines, grapes and watermelon. Let us know if you want RootDown LA to bring samplings of healthy food to your next event!