We got the call this week! The board of Community Partners has officially granted Root Down fiscal sponsorship beneath their umbrella non-profit organization. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
So now, Root Down benefits from Community Partner's incubator services, and YOU benefit from a tax write-off when you donate to Root Down! We'll soon post a page, to let you know how exactly, we can best utilize your donations of time, equipment or materials. For now, know that every penny you may choose to funnel our way, will go towards getting students to McGrath Family Farms on monthly trips this year. Because, that's where good nutrition starts - with healthy farming!
If you are able and inclined to do so, you can donate to Root Down online (writing a check to "Commuity Partners FBO Root Down" is best - less fees are taken out) on Community Partners' website. We would also welcome material donations now, of SHARP! 9" chef knives, 2-3 butane portable cook stoves, a heavy-bottomed stock pot or 2, plates, bowls, mugs and flatware (aka forks, spoons & knives!) for up to 40 people. Or, you have some clever idea for a donation we may not have thought of here, feel free to run it by us.
We look forward, to providing reports from our in-school and on-farm nutrition and cooking lessons, starting next month!