SOCIAL EQUITYOur primary goal is to  offer  and create more training and employment opportunities for South LA youth so that they can compete with youth from other parts of LA or the country who have more opportunities.


Our primary goal is to  offer  and create more training and employment opportunities for South LA youth so that they can compete with youth from other parts of LA or the country who have more opportunities.

OPPORTUNITYOur Healthy Food Ventures and programs create opportunities that all youth need to thrive - such as safe spaces to learn, community service projects, mentorship, networking opportunities, and first job experiences.


Our Healthy Food Ventures and programs create opportunities that all youth need to thrive - such as safe spaces to learn, community service projects, mentorship, networking opportunities, and first job experiences.

RESILIENCEResilient communities are built by connected and engaged people. Our youth-developed programs help youth find their interests while giving them the tools and skills to make the changes they want to see in their communities.


Resilient communities are built by connected and engaged people. Our youth-developed programs help youth find their interests while giving them the tools and skills to make the changes they want to see in their communities.

HEALTHOver 60 % of Americans are dying from diet related illness. This means the foods we are eating (or AREN’T eating) are making us sick. We are getting plenty of calories, but not enough micronutrients - the vitamins and minerals that build stron…


Over 60 % of Americans are dying from diet related illness. This means the foods we are eating (or AREN’T eating) are making us sick. We are getting plenty of calories, but not enough micronutrients - the vitamins and minerals that build strong bodies and minds, and protect us from illnesses.

QUALITYMany of the nutrients we get from whole foods have gone missing in the Standard American Diet. Veggies and fruits that used to come fresh from a farm to our table, now travel halfway around the world and are being treated with chemicals, addi…


Many of the nutrients we get from whole foods have gone missing in the Standard American Diet. Veggies and fruits that used to come fresh from a farm to our table, now travel halfway around the world and are being treated with chemicals, additives, and colors to make up for missing flavor and extend their shelf-life.

ACCESSIt is not always easy to convince people that fresh, whole foods can be easily and affordably incorporated into our busy lives. But, we aim to do just that. One piece of blanched broccoli, one purple (yes purple!) carrot at a time, we are remi…


It is not always easy to convince people that fresh, whole foods can be easily and affordably incorporated into our busy lives. But, we aim to do just that. One piece of blanched broccoli, one purple (yes purple!) carrot at a time, we are reminding kids (and adults) where food comes from, and teaching them how to make it taste great.