The FarmPod is Coming!

Thanks to the GO Campaign and a small crew of private funders who wanted to see RootDown LA's FarmPOD get built, we are moving ahead with construction of this community workstation.  Envisioned by our RootDown staff and interns, and designed by our very own board member/ace architect, Corinna Gebert, FarmPOD will us to more efficiently bring in, prep and redistribute produce from our networks of small gardens in our Youth-driven Neighborhood Food System sites.  Even better, it will serve as a resource center for our community, providing seeds, tools, horticultural information, and provide a place for neighbors to connect, chat and swap gardening and veggie cooking techniques!



RootDown gets kids inventing their own veggie recipes!

THIS is what it's all about!  A student in our current 4-week cooking/nutrition class posted this on our Facebook wall: Hi everyone my name is Melisa Cabrera and I am currently part of the 4 week cooking with Root Down L.A. This is one of the recipes I created after the first class. I decided to make a kale salad with chopped tomatoes and avocado. I also used tofu and in the side potatoes. This course is helping me find new ways to make veggies taste good and create meatless meals which is great since I'm Vegetarian :) I can't wait to try new food.

Getting the LAPD to Eat Their Veggies!!!

This past Friday during our regular cooking class at the LAPD Alba Rec. Center, Officer Alvarez approached the RD crew to share a story. He said, "Hey guys after our class last Friday - I went home and tried to make the veggie burritos. . . I totally failed, but I tried!"  We were upset his burritos didn't turn out to be so good, but we cheered him on for taking initiative to make a healthy meal at home!