They came, they saw the veggies, they wanted to replicate...

IMG_20140722_133535 Yes! This is exACTly what we are aiming for - to inspire and help others replicate our Youth-Driven Neighborhood Food Systems. This email just came in from our guests today from the Tzu Chi Community Clinic, Wilmington: Thank you and your young girls for showing us your wonderful program this afternoon.This is a true great learning experience for us. Hopefully, we will be able to bring the model to the community we work very soon. Our strong feeling is that this program will be a good replicate in our community and we think we are going to start with our monthly food giving program and encourage them to come and plant with us. If they come regularly and have a successful program, we will them also encourage the extended program like yours so they can go out to the community and grow in the neighborhood garden. Please share with us about your training program and your grant proposal. I think if possible, we will write a grant and send kids from the community to receive training at your site and have them come back to help establish the program in Wilmington community. I will invite some of volunteers to come to clinic and we will discuss on Friday and brain storm. as you said, we will pick from your brain and experience.

The graduates (aka Cultivars) are taking over!

RD FB post Janelle Jul 20 14 Check it out.  Just this spring, 8 students completed RootDown's first Horticultural & Entrepreneurial training, preparing them to design, install, and maintain food gardens as part of our Supply-side programming for building our Youth-driven Neighborhood Food Systems.

At graduation, they pitched a business project idea - to design and install 8 more residential gardens at our WECAN site.  To date, they have completed three new gardens, are about to install another, and have presented designs for a fourth garden.  They are unstoppable, and they are recording all this activity on a Facebook group page they created, called Food in the Hood.  They've named themselves - the Cultivars.

And WATCH OUT - the second 13-week training kicks off in the coming weeks, over at our HQ site with Nuevo South!  The focus of this training will be on distributing (and eventually selling) food from our gardens back throughout the neighborhood.

Celebrate RootDownLA & Muir Ranch 7.19.14

It’ll be a celebration of summertime with one ton of  S Q U A S H. 10402650_10203243543943066_5531813601588330541_n

Get your tickets on Event Brite  There will be a few words from our Exec Direct Megan Hanson.

You gotta come to this.

 muir ranch logo

“Sociable Supper”

Farm-to-Table Dinner

Saturday, July 19, 2014    5-8pm

Come eat a locally grown and harvested, sustainable, plant-based supper, while supporting 

Muir Ranch’s summer internships!

Enjoy Plant-Based Cuisine byJennie Cook – Jennie Cooks Catering

 Featuring recipes from Jennie’s Cookbook “Who Wants Seconds?


Aperitifs (A choice of 3)

Citrus Elixir with Camille’s Elderflower Potion

Iced Minted Elixir

Strawberry Lemonade


catalan gazpacho shooters and chubby croutons

potato tacos with muir ranch chard curtido and cilantro crema


sliced tutti frutti tomatoes with muir ranch basil and onions

green salad with grilled summer fruits

quick pickle cucumbers

baguettes and chèvre with fennel flowers and cilantro blossoms


summer slaw with muir ranch chard and…

ratatouille with Mud’s favorite white squash and ranch leeks

delicious bread and zucchini marmalade and roasted elephant squash

stuffed delicata squash with a classic cornbread stuffing


stone fruit crunch and cream

Other details...

PARKING: Behind John Muir High School at 1905 N Lincoln.   Park in rear Student Lot, enter at Canada Ave.


Your tax deductible dinner ticket purchase helps to support our summer internship program at Muir Ranch.

Our goal is to offer fully paid internships to 30 students this Summer.

Each student will earn $600 for 8 weeks of work.

We hope to raise $18,000 to cover the cost of these internships.

Get your tickets now, you don’t want to miss it!